Building Copter 4.1.0 for CubeOrange

I am trying to build some customizations based on 4.1.0 code for the CubeOrange. I can configure the build for fmuv3 and build without issues. When I configure the build for CubeOrange, it gets these errors every time:

make: *** No rule to make target '../../modules/ChibiOS/ext/fatfs/src/ff.c', needed by 'modules/ChibiOS/obj/ff.o'.  Stop.
make: *** No rule to make target '../../modules/ChibiOS/ext/fatfs/src/ff.c', needed by 'modules/ChibiOS/obj/ff.o'.  Stop.

I have updated submodules using git, and I’m not sure exactly how to solve this.

Any ideas?

For anyone knowledgeable about it, is it necessary to build specifically for CubeOrange rather than just build fmuv3?


do a .\waf clean before configuring for cubeOrange and you should be fine.

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This wasn’t working when I tried it still, so I started over with the stable branch again, made my changes and it seems to work this time if I start with the CubeOrange build from the beginning. Not sure what was going on, but it’s working for now.

Thanks for your reply.