BL Helo suite 32 cannot connect

Good evening.

I set my FC/Durandal up using the docs as per the setup guide. At least I think everything is setup correctly.

I disconnected mission planner and then open the BlHeli32 suite.

I then choose M betaflight/ clean flight in the blheli32 interface and then get the correct comport/baudrates in the port window

the port section showes com 4 and 5 as durandal / bdshot with the corresonding baud rate of 115200.

I click on connect, Then get a message that the flight controller is being rebooted and then a failte to connect message appears.

Can anyone help me sort this out please.

What ESC? Which version of firmware (Bdshot or not)? Post your parameter file.

ardupilot.param (17.2 KB)

I am using flycolour x-cross bl-32 -35 amp ESC’s

Blheli 32 Software

OK, parameters and Output assignments look OK. You don’t need to choose the Interface in the Suite. Make sure battery power is connected. Choose the Com port and use the default baud and Connect. Some Flight Controllers will show 2 Com ports like this one:

Chose the one that Mission Planner connects to if there are 2.
Then Read Setup

Take out all the SERVOx_REVERSED,1 (set them to 0) - that doesnt do what you think it does.
Use SERVO_BLH_RVMASK to reverse the spin of the motors.

When you connect to MissionPlanner, in Messages tab, do you see something like
RCOut: PWM:1-8 DS600:9-12

Is the battery connected when you try to connect to the ESCs? It needs to be powered up fully before it works.

OK so answer was that i had to do the compas calibration first. Connected now and thanks for the help folks

Sill do this!
You can also use BLHELI32 suite to reverse motor directions of course.

ok will do that. I do see in BLheli suite that motors 234 are not in sync with master

It will say that if there is any difference between ESC’s including direction. Usually not a concern.

I cant think of a reason why that would be true but good you have it connected.

Yup not sure why.

Did they initial compass calibrations, got esc tone on startup and after that BLheli suite connected