Hello to everyone. I made an AgriCulture Drone with CuAV Nora. I had difficulty lowering it on the first test take off. There was high vibration. Then I used vibration dampers. The drone is completely out of control. Loiter Mode. It landed with difficulty when Batter Faisafe kicked in. Looking at the Log Records, I am waiting for your advice about my problem. I’m afraid to vent the tool now Thank you for your help in advance.
. Log File:
Have you worked through the Tuning Wiki page?
A lot of your parameters are still at default.
And I never figured out why people dont expect those GPS masts and cable to vibrate like crazy…
The vibes are horrible.
The frame looks like a makeshift temporary thinghie. I don’t quite get how the tubes are attached, but you don’t have enough screws by a factor of 10. Your FC is placed off-center and its dampening looks like trash. And that’s how it flies, as well, because of the construction.
Agree with @ThePara. Vibration levels are very high, with many clipping events. The Tune is awful also. How did you arrive at those Rate PID’s? Anyway, you have to fix the vibes before advancing. If it’s possible to do with that flimsy frame. It will just get worse with the added load. Nice Flight Controller but an example of Lipstick on a Pig…
I would remove it I don’t think it’s helping.
I agree with Mike B. Using the default PIDs is just asking for trouble.
Case in point:
I took a Pixhawk off of an H4 Alien 680 quadcopter (totally useless frame) and put it on an Iron Man 690S Hex. Like a dummy I used the default PIDS.
The first couple of flights were very interesting to say the least. It would hover in Stabilize just fine, but soon after switching to Loiter it would go into a slow wobble that would increase over time… Not a good thing at all.
Connecting to Mission Planner and hitting ALT+A worked wonders…
Are your ESCs taped on? They need a better mounting method if so, and better cable management on those ESC wires. Keeping them free to flap around in the prop wash won’t be helping your vibration issues along with all the other issues mentioned above.
Thanks guys for your answers and help. I apply your warnings and suggestions. I will post the results here.