Big difference between CH3 PERCENT and CHx_OUT channels

Hi everyone.

We have some quads with ardu version 4.2.0 and we have found a big divergence bettween some telemetry parameters to evaluate the performance of the drone.

little question first:

the CH3 PERCENT telemetry parameter its truly the general output percent to the motors?

Because we have seen in live telemetry data, a value of 50% of CH3 PERCENT, and simultaneously we see the CH1, CH2, CH3 outputs with values of 1800, 1900.

in some cases, the warning messages of POTENTIAL TRUSS LOSS. Therefore, we consider that the CHx OUT its the real value for monitoring the real outs to the motors.

my question its, therefore, what read or what means then the CH3 PERCENT value???

We have been wrong about this parameters, believe first to the ch3 percent, read values of about 50%, but suddenly, we have the potential truss loss and we have asked… if we have 50% percent to hover, why ardupilot send us these warning message??

and we see the ch outputs and really see the real outputs to the motors, very near to the maximum pwm, 1850…
