Belheli on Orange Cube aux1

Has the problem with Belheli on Aux 1 been corrected?

I’m using an Orange Cube.

Reference: CubeOrange: blheli passthrough cannot be used reliably with AUX1 · Issue #20362 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub


If I can’t use aux-1, that means using aux-2 through aux-5. Since aux-5 and aux-6 are used as relays, does anything have to be done specific to aux-5 to use it for a Dshot connection?

I think you can still use Aux1 for DSHOT but just not pass through (programming).
You should be able to check DSHOT is working by the ESC sounds.

Thanks Shawn -

I’d like to set up the copter with as little uncertainty as possible. What do I lose if I don’t have pass through (programming)?

It just means you have to configure the ESCs using a different FC or an Arduino.
Probably the only thing you really have to change is LOW RPM POWER PROTECT = OFF.
You can change motor spin direction in ardupilot (there is a SERVO BLHELI reverse bimask) or the old fashioned way of swapping motor wires around.

OK - I get it.

The alternative I suppose is to use Aux2-5. The only question is if there’s any sort of conflict in using Aux-5 - as it’s normally used as a relay.

Many thanks!