Hi all, I am using Cube Orange with a 7000mAh 3s Lipo Battery and built a quadcopter in an S500 frame with emax motors.
Whenever I enable the battery monitor to 4 (voltage and current), the percentage is reduced from 100 to 0 within 2 minutes.
So I followed Power Monitor/Module Configuration in Mission Planner — Copter documentation (ardupilot.org) and tried in the same manner… but no use… the only improvement is the time of percentage reduction is increased from 2 minutes to 12-13 minutes.
Note: 1. We armed the drone with propellers only to set the battery voltage and current.
Note: 2. We left the drone idle without arming it to check the reduction in battery percentage.
Note: 3. The battery voltage is displayed properly.
Your current measurement needs to be calibrated. It has two parameters:
- a current offset (Aditive parameter)
- a current gain (multiplicative parameter)
Both need to be correctly set. But because readings at low currents are highly inaccurate, you should calibrate at nominal (expected during normal operation) currents.
For a small copter investing in a multimeter will eliminate the guesswork, and trial and error of other approaches that depend on the current measurement accuracy of the battery charger.
And you need to do this correctly before doing any magfit flights.
Thank you @amilcarlucas can you please share the recommended documentation to refer to?
We calibrated using power analyser and current at 10.05A (pervolt)
We followed the same documentation given below (no changes in the steps)
Power Monitor/Module Configuration in Mission Planner — Copter documentation (ardupilot.org)
An edit [We calibrated using power analyser and current at 10.05A (pervolt)]
It is not 10.05A prevolt… it 10.05A current
and Amperes per volt is around 3.45A
If you have refered the video in the link…I have not hovered the drone insted I reversed the propeller so that it won’t lift the drone instead it push the drone down.
So when the drone is armed and consuming 10.05A current… the Amperes per volt is around 3.45A
As I am an newbie I did not get the 3rd point.
No I am no using that.
Kindly refer the below video so that you can get an idea what actually I did to calibrate
ArduCopter Battery Voltage & Current Monitor Calibration (youtube.com)
Thankyou and appreciate your patience
Hello, @amilcarlucas, as I have crashed the drone few parts are broken and it takes some time to replace. I assure you I will refer to the documentation and the GitHub repositories and try to solve the problem as soon as possible.
I am not sure about the drone’s weight exactly, when I lift it in hand it feels around 1.7 kg to 2 kg. Once I receive the new arm and a set of props I’ll try the 2nd point.
Yes sir I know linear regression and got the point, I’ll measure the current and Amperes per volt for the increase in every 2A of current, plot the graph, and share the graph with you soon.
Kindly keep your support on me in the future. We will catch-up soon