Basic SITL issue

Newbie user here. Interested in autonomous aerobatics but still learning the software basics.
When I first start Mission planner and load plane 3D with Arduplane 4.5 (or 4.6) I can get a mission to fly (with an aerobatic script) by clicking on auto and arm.
My question is how do I reset the plane back to the original take off position.
I can restart the mission but plane just takes off where it landed and if not in a good area of the runway will not take off.

If this type of question is better posted elsewhere just let me know.
Thank you,

You need to restart the simulation. I don’t think we have a convenient way to reset to initial conditions without starting over (happy to be proven wrong).

Does that mean reloading the firmware then reloading the plan?
Thank you

It’s easiest to close the console window that opens (called something like arduplane.exe), which should kill the current simulation session.

Then go back to the Simulation tab and click on the same options you did before.

The previous flight plan and scripts should still exist, so you can simply arm and take off again once it’s initialized.

Thank you I will give that a try