Avoid transition to horizontal flight, sustain copter mode

Hello, I have a pretty big QuadPlane setup and would like to make a fight demonstration on a small constrained area where there is no space for horizontal flight.

So, the idea is to have a Take off Waypoint (in VTOL) just have another waypoint 50-100m ahead, without altitude change, and land at this waypoint position (in VTOL).

As my flight area is very limited I would like to avoid transiotion flight and turns, so I would like to keep the QuadPlane flying with the 4 rotors at all times, and maybe do not turn on the horizontal motor at all.

If I set the velocity of the AUTO waypoint to a very low value, like 5 m/s, will the plane remain in copter flight without trying to transition?

What´s the best way to set waypoints for AUTO mode to ensure/force the to aircraft to fly like a copter, without transition to horizontal flight?
