I recently tried autotuning, before autotuning I ran the quiktune script to get some good initial parameters, After running quiktune I recharged my batteries and went over to do a autotune, unfortunately the autotune never finishes for Pitch/Roll, I was able to get Yaw(E) tuned but never was able to finish Pitch/Roll, I keep getting this error which I found no posts on in this forum.
Vibrations are suspiciously low, as if the flight controller is very over-damped.
Fix that and start over.
FFT is not working properly, disable it for now and enable the INS batch logging instead
Do an ordinary flight with plenty of pitch, roll and yaw, then set up the harmonic notch filter before trying Autotune again.
I would have these set too:
You have firmware version 4.7 installed - there could be unexpected behaviour. Copter 4.6 beta2 would be a good choice if you want something very recent but safe.
I’m using the following Anti Vibration Mount I only used it as a last resort as I tried everything to remove vibrations, After using it I found my vibrations went to very low levels, I know overdamping is a thing but I wasn’t able to find anything on here that tells me what happens if something is overdamped and how to tell If my damping is too much.
Is there different type of silicon dampers ( same size 13 x 9mm ) but different damping “amount”?
You could try different silicon balls. Quality silicon balls have G ratings and other data.
As a ghetto fix you try to squeeze ear plugs into the centre of the existing silicon balls. You twist and roll the ear plug so it becomes a long skinny thing, and should just go down the hollow center of the ball. The ear plug will then try to return to it’s original shape and hold itself in place. This may provide improved/less damping.
Can you point to a log before you fitted that anti-vibration mount?
I’ve removed the anti vibration mount now using 3M tape, reset all my settings and re-configured them and flew again, In the first flight I do a quicktune and at the end of the quicktune I start moving around at medium speed, then land and takeoff again and start moving at high speeds.
You can see the third IMU has less vibrations, I opened up the Holybro Pixhawk 6X and found that two of the IMU’s (and one Barometer) are on the vibration isolated PCB and one IMU (and one Barometer) is not vibration isolated. So the vibration isolated IMU’s are actually worse than the hard mounted one. I don’t have ESC telemetry so I don’t know what my exact RPM is but I’m using 400KV motors with a 6S battery. So “Max RPM” should be 24 * 400 = 9600 and my throttle seems to be around 0.2 and (9600 * 0.2 / 60 * 2) = 64Hz
Vibrations are still a bit high even though there is no clipping, so it would still be highly desirable to try to fix that. If you had a motor bearing going bad or a chipped prop (for example) then it would easily send the vibrations beyond limits and cause all sorts of problems.
Have you got a photo of the copter and flight controller + wiring.
The pitch and roll attitude control is quite good already. Yaw is a bit off, but dont worry about yaw until last. I think Autotune would now work very well, after you get the vibrations halved.