Confused about instruction “autotrim”,if theAutotrim needs CH7 settings or repeats the steps of instruction.
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For most users this procedure is not necessary because the accelerometer calibration does a good job of setting the trim values.
I consider Auto Trim a waste of time. Your thumbs are the Trim in Stabilize mode.
I agree that Auto Trim is not normally required because the first step of the accelerometer calibration captures level. I never do AutoTrim any more for my vehicles.
And further to that, I find it useful to level the actual vehicle accurately across the plane of the props and hit the “Level Horizon” button in your GCS - rather than trying to level the actual flight controller before or during the construction phase.
where is the "level horizion"in MP,I can’t find it
Setup / Mandatory / Accel
and I mistakenly called it Level Horizon (which may be from PX4) and should have said Calibrate Level
I pack the landing gear to achieve a very level frame, actually the props really, then hit that button, job done!
I know this,this function already has been used