Hi All,
I can’t figure out if my yaw autotune resault is any good, Not sure if my filter settings are acceptable.
Yaw seems slowish and has a bounce back effect when stopping. Quad is a 7 inch with speedybee f4 v4 and esc stack running bluejay and extended esc telemetry.
Attached is a log file after tuning and saving by disarming.
I am aware of the requirements, although I never used the configurator, I used the docs and Andy Piper’s vids on a 7 inch. Notch filters are set up, compass is done with magfit. I did a first manual tune and althold and loiter was good, even smartRTL is good.
Autotune on roll and pitch is pretty good. The yaw tune was sucessful, but I don’t think the values are good? I don’t know if I have missed something though.
I tuned yaw and yaw D together, ill do it separately and see.
I did raise the gyro filter to 120 and noise seems to be about 0.05 ish.
Maybe it was a little too windy? as the roll and pitch angle values dropped from 30 ish to 20 ish