Auto tune on yaw not so great?

Hi All,
I can’t figure out if my yaw autotune resault is any good, Not sure if my filter settings are acceptable.

Yaw seems slowish and has a bounce back effect when stopping. Quad is a 7 inch with speedybee f4 v4 and esc stack running bluejay and extended esc telemetry.

Attached is a log file after tuning and saving by disarming.

Log on google drive

If anyone has the time to look over my log, it would be appreciated.


You do know that there are a lot of tuning pre-requirements before autotune can be run, right?

They are all clealy described in the ArduPilot methodic configurator software.

I am aware of the requirements, although I never used the configurator, I used the docs and Andy Piper’s vids on a 7 inch. Notch filters are set up, compass is done with magfit. I did a first manual tune and althold and loiter was good, even smartRTL is good.
Autotune on roll and pitch is pretty good. The yaw tune was sucessful, but I don’t think the values are good? I don’t know if I have missed something though.

Quick tune is recommended before autotune

The speedybee firmware hasn’t got scripting, so I cant do quicktune

Ok, then try a second yaw autotune

Will do that, I was planning but wanted to get a few opinions anyway

Did you try tuning yaw D? That usually tightens things up.

Yaw is quite sensitive to noise - if you have to much noise that will give you a poor tune.

I tuned yaw and yaw D together, ill do it separately and see.

I did raise the gyro filter to 120 and noise seems to be about 0.05 ish.
Maybe it was a little too windy? as the roll and pitch angle values dropped from 30 ish to 20 ish