Auto takeoff for Multirotor

Hi. Is there any way to make the drone take off automatically and wait at a specific height using a switch like DJI drones?

I never try before, I think lua script can do it.

I use it to set different parameters before takeoff due to different payload weight and cg.

Thanks for your quick reply, but I have no experience with lua script.

Configure an Auto Mission with one Takeoff command to the altitude you want it to go to.
Switch to Auto Mode and Arm it. It will takeoff and sit at the altitude you programmed until you switch to another mode. Suggest having it at mid throttle and switch to Loiter.

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Thanks for your reply, but can this work without using the mission planner every time?

Yes, IIRC takeoff takes only altitude.

It takes off and ascends to specified altitude before continuing navigation (with takeoff only mission switching to RTL and hanging in place).


Here, via lua script


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