Auto Mode cause plane to go full throttle

I have a APM2.6 with the external GPS and compass, and airspeed sensor. I’m using this in a bixler as purchased from 3DR. I have the cruise Airspeed at 13 m/s FBW Min at 11m/s and FBW max at 15M.s

When switching into Auto mode the vehicle appears to track the waypoints, but it goes full throttle and peaks out at around 22m/s before I loose my nerve and switch it back to manual.

Any Ideas? I did verify that the Airspeed sensor is set to be used, it is using the L1 controller.

Here is a set of log files in which at about 25% through the file the vehicle is set to Auto mode, and commanded to 12m/s but exceeds 20m/s measured.

Where are the log files?

It tells me that the extension .tlog is not allowed, kill have to try zipping it up from home, sorry for the

Attempt at files from phone.

And the rlog

I figured this out, Ironically it was the very first thing I thought to try out two days ago, but apparently even though I thought about it, I never tried it. The throttle channel was reversed in the radio calibration. Everything is working now, its on to tuning the actual navigation!
