Arm Question with plane

question for plane:
i have a plane with V-tail. it works in auto and manual, but i cant arm with the stick command (something reversed?!).

i want to have the plane always armed, so i only have the safty switch for arming and can start right away? would that be possible?


Yes you can.Just go to “Full parameters” in the MP choose ARMING and mark the three option with “0”

@matos100 this is really bad advice, setting ARMING_CHECK to 0 turns off all the automated sanity checks for making sure that you are actually ready to fly and can lead to taking off with a system that knows its unhealthy but it isn’t clear to the user.

@aamadeuss I assume you have ARMING_RUDDER set to 1 or 2? If so I’m afraid I haven’t ever used the feature but @tridge or @magicrub might be able to help you more.

but i cant arm with the stick command

This is your problem that you need to figure out, don’t do any unwise workarounds. Rudder arming > 0 as @wickedShell said and check yaw ranges: it needs to detect a 90 or 95% yaw input. Check your trims and ensure yaw is connected.

In your transmeter go to the page where you set the stick range for the chanels like the Ail Thr Elev and make shure your Rud or yaw is 100 or -100 or the similer in in your case as your plane has a V tail.