Arm: Need Position Estimate

We are having issues setting up a test flight using optical flow and having no gps. All our connections are good(Optical flow is detected). Not sure how to solve this problem. We keep getting this error (Arm: Need Position Estimate).

Did you uncheck GPS for the Arming check?

Yes, we did and we followed everything from this page.

We did some testing today trying to check if everything was correct and it is. We have the gps disabled and the opticalflow is working. It arms it both AltHold and Land modes but we can get it to work in either PosHold or Loiter mode which is our goal.

These modes require “GPS” from what I recall. Try setting origin using mission planner.

Yeah they do require gps but in the wiki it says that it should work without it. We also did set the origin and it did not fix it.