I am using a Holybro Pixhawk 6C ardurover (4.5.3) running with a companion computer (jetson xavier nx). I am trying to feed yaw information to the rover via the companion computer (note, I only want to forward heading information and the position will be provided by the GPS). I found that the best approach is to set EK3_SRC1_YAW=6 (External Navigation) and forward “/mavros/vision_pose/pose” information towards the fcu. I can succesfully publish the PoseStamped (i can see the updated message via “rostopic echo /mavros/vision_pose/pose” and also in mavproxy via “watch VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE”). However, in the mission planner (mavlink inspector) i do now see any VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE traffic and thereby no update on the heading. I have also disabled any compasses.
I believe that somehow the VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE is rejected by the ardurover. Is something like that possible? Is there another approach to inject heading information to the fcu?
Thank you in advance.