Hello Anton,
LOG_DISARMED hast to be set to 1 as described before. Than the FC writes the .bin Logfile to the CD.
Now I can see on your PARAM file thart you set some BATT_MONITOR settings but you still don’t show how you monitor this physically.
This sentence says nothing to me. What brand / model / type is this little device. Which 3 pin connector coming from where.
Is this little device connected to the FC?
Or is it a something like this:
And is the 3 pin connector directly at the battery whicch is the balancer connector but not a battery monitor output.
Your PARAMS show that you want to use Pin2 for battery monitor. But which Pixhawk (brand / model) you are using. Pixhawk is just a overall family name
I managed to drive the vehicle today it armed, calculated the bearing and distance to the way point and started driving towards the way point marker. I need to fine tune the GPS and a few things in my Python script
This is the little device I am using on the battery
I am using a Pixhawk 2.4.8
I use Mission Planner to see what the voltage is, I have a 3DR telemetry radio setup
Good to hear that you was able to arm and test your vehicle.
Do I understand correct that you connect this small device to the battery (wich connector) and than it shows the actual voltage. Just with this picture I can’t identify what this small thing is.
Is this device all the time connected or only if you want to check battery voltage?
Is this device connected also to the Pixhawk 2.4.8? I don’t think so, but if it is, how is it connected.
How is the battery connected to your Pixhawk 2.4.8?
If you don’t deliver requested details it is really hard for me to make a logical analysis of your problem and to help.
Ok, now I have a rough picture of your battery monitor setup.
So, your miss reading of battery voltage on HUD still persist?
What voltage is shown on the HUD while the battery is on 8,38 (fully charged)?
It is yes and it was interfering with the arming process. I have no idea why the Pixhawk wouldn’t arm as it is correct.
The unit is now arming and I am keeping a close eye on it
Might be that you just need to update Mission Planner. Try doing a beta update from the help screen. Often, with latest AP firmware, it’s best to run Mission Planner’s beta release, as the stable version lags autopilot features a bit.
Any firmware from 4.5.1 upwards has a problem with my GPS. I have worked through every single stable firmware release from 3.4.2 and the latest one working with the GPS is 4.5.0
I wonder if you could assist me, I am trying to get the Pixhawk to command the raspberry to run the 2 brushed planetary gear motors. The motors work when testing them directly with the Pi but I am battling to get them working using the Pixhawk to control them using the Pi. The servo setup is 1 Left throttle and 3 Right throttle. The Pi GPIO connections to the L298 are
left_motor = L298NMDc(19 ENA, 13 IN1, 26 IN2, name=“left”)
right_motor = L298NMDc(21 ENB, 20 IN3, 16 IN4, name=“right”)
I would appreciate your assistance
Thank you
I am using python to navigate the vehicle autonomously. The Pi is used to store all the logs etc. and when I originally built the vehicle 4 years ago I tried to steer as far away from using anything RC. i used the Pi and a sense hat to navigate the vehicle but the Pi sense hat combination was not all that successful and that is why I bought the Pixhawk. The vehicle stood for nearly 2 years because I could not source decent motors locally. The motors that I could source would tun 10 meters or so and strip the gearboxes. I have now sourced decent planetary gear motors and the vehicle is running very well. I managed to get the Pixhawk to run the motors using the Pi as controller and just need to sort out a few small things in the morning where after I will be able to test the vehicle with real world survey markers.
Basically only sort out the upload of the .waypoints file and then the vehicle will navigate the course of 9 survey markers I have at my disposal and hopefully much better and more accurate that the Pi and sense hat combination
None of that is a reason to complicate the basic motor control functions of the autopilot. I’m not really interested in crafting a workaround to pass control from the autopilot to the Pi to the motor drivers. It’s unnecessary. The documentation that I linked is what you should use.
How are your L298 Half bridges are primary controlled?
Is it possible to run them with ordinary RC PWM signals?
If yes, you can directly connect them to the FC Servo Outputs. By this you can see if your problem is on FC or on Pi side.