ArduPlane wont read parameters?

So, I’ve installed the newest stable version of ArduPlane on matek f405 Wing. Didnt set anything, just connected the FC. It does connect but it shows the unable to calibrate baro massage on a picture below

Also i watched on YT that it should load a lot more parameters than just MAVftp.ardu2
After loading that the window dissapear. And im getting that baro errors. Also it dont read any battery voltage etc. Tried to calibrate accelerometer but after i click to calibrate i only get massege “click when done” but nothing happens.

I flashed older version with Inav, stm cube programmer but i didnt change anything. Also tried on another PC. Switched serial0_protocol for 2 to 1 and nothing. Also plugged the battery firstm then usb without any progress. Also the fc isn’t faulty cuz Inav works fine. Im out of clue

When i disabled Mavftp parameters loaded, but still no answear from gyro, and baro error occurs