Ardupilot Web Tools cant read tlogs (No SD card to save bin files)

Im trying to use the Ardupilot WebTools for tuning (Filter review, PID review) but they only accept .bin files.

My quad does not have an SD card module. From my understanding .bin files are only generated and saved if an SD card is present on the flight controller.

I do have telemetry setup via SiK radio and am able to save and view tlogs remotely this way or through direct physical USB connection to the drone but the web tools previously mentioned only work with .bin files.

Is there any work around to obtain .bin log files in order to use the web tools?

What Flight Controller? Most supported FC’s without an Sd Card will log .bin files. I have one.
Tlogs will not be useful for tuning purposes.

Its an STM32 Nucleo board that is using KakuteH7v2 firmware. The KakuteH7v2 board (and hwdef) does include flash storage however my setup with the nucleo does not.

No, I don’t suppose it does.

You said FCs can log .bin files without an SD card. Where would it be stored and/or what params need to be setup?

Set to Block.

It is already set to block. What does this mean/do? Where will the bin files be stored (if even being generated?)

They will be available using Mission Planner’s log download. If there are no logs I suppose it’s because you have a Nucleo board so shit out of luck.

A nucleo board that is running KakuteH7v2 firmware of which mission planner thinks and treats it as such, where the only difference is the lack of SD card.

You said “Most supported FC’s without an Sd Card will log .bin files. I have one.” Can you just tell me how these FC’s logging bin files.

How am I “Shit out of luck” as again, to Mission Planner, it believes its working with KakuteH7v2.

I’m going to purchase a standard SPI SD card reader from Amazon and solder to pins PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 (CD SCK MISO MOSI) accordingly (SP1 for SD Card according to the hwdef of the kakute)

Are there any implications as to why this possibly wouldn’t work?

Beside of the SD-card the internal FLASH of the controller can be used for logging.

I don’t know which nucleo board, which real controller you have. You have to check if this real controller is using the same function on the same pins as the Kakute H7 controller. This is mostly the case in the same controller family but not a must.

Its an STM32H743i2 Nucleo 144 board. The same microcontroller used in the kakuteH7 FC and firmware. You’re saying the internal flash of the STM32H7 chip can be used? How would this be setup?

I can’t defintley say if it works on your board, but you can try

Have to assume he already tried that.

From the Kakute H7v2 Hwdef:
KakuteH7 v2 with flash chip for logging
So perhaps his Nucleo board does not have this.

The Kakute H7 v1 hwdef (of which v2 imports most from) does have SD card setup on SPI1. I’ll remove the flash chip settings in the v2 hwdef and leave the SD card settings defined. Connecting the pins accordingly, hopefully itll work