Ardupilot powered ATV rover with RTK GPS ? Has it been done yet?


I just want to know if anyone has tried to control an ATV (about 150 to 300 pounds vehicle, seats one or two person) with APM rover ?

Specifically I want to do positioning using something called RTK GPS which allows very accurate movement. The unit I have access to claims to locate within 2cm accuracy at the worst.

This will of course only be used on private land (potentially for agricultural use)

This could be done with use of RTKLIB and pixhawk together with a new windows based unit called LattePanda for RTKLIB. I am building a system for my agricultural tractor using two Lattepanda for RTKLIB (Base and Rower) and Pixhawk for controlling steering. The biggest problem you would have is to make a solution for how to move the steering Wheels on your ATV. Ones you have a steering solution the other things like Rover and Basestation can be done.