Ardupilot EU Dev Call 2024-09-11

Attendees (max): 11

Test failing due to new message rate.
ATT is meant to be logged at 10Hz.
Fast rate is now going to be the ANG message.
Andrew: Would be nice to have the attitude controllers log attitude, not the vehicles.

  • ATT.DesRoll and ANG.DesRoll don’t agree during a transition.
  • This is because the MR copies the current angle to the desired. Only the rate controller is functioning then.
  • It is preferrable to only log the ANG messsage when the MR angle controller is actually active.


Needs testing.

Sid hasn’t finished review.
A: Would be nice to have a Time To Live for the packets.

  • This would allow the users to decide if they want to see CAN traffic all the way to their ground station.
  • Would also be nice to have Mission Planner support UDP multicast.
  • Windows 11 might be blocking UPD Multicast packets.

Sid: Comments seem reasonable.


Peter: That’s a lot of data to be logging at high rate.
A: Who is the recepient/consumer of this information?


A: An altitude field has no place in a barometer message.

  • Would be nice to eventually move external AHRS drivers to the custom build server.

A: There’s a risk that the sensors will get their FIFOs full and this may cause glitches/bugs.
Andy: IMU whitelisting could be done in the IFDEF for the variable sampling rate feature.
A: Hopefully Sid will find a bug in our SPI driver and this will inform this PR as well.

Matt: Trying to decouple the interlock data, their interpretation is open to edge-cases.

  • A bailout should also be possible now.
  • We’ll need Bill and other heli experts to weigh in.
  • The changed parameters are a fixup to using the correct units and better names.

P: The author reports that some ICs’ registers don’t seem to work.

  • Probably they are knockoffs.

A: Probably QMC never had those registers, they were inherited from the previous sensor version.
P: Tested, the change is breaking people’s calibration. Can’t be backwards compatible.


Looks harmless. MergeOnCIPass.

A: We could have an autotest for this.

  • But hopefully CINS will not be part of EAHRS for long.
  • Not enabled for all boards yet, due to flash space.
  • There will be a talk in the conference about this.
  • Not tested in GPS-denied conditions.
  • Questionable if double-precision is beneficial.
  • There needs to be a separate protection for a zero-value INS reading.
  • It’s a struggle to fit in a lot of boards.