My project is do Pixhawk 1 - Arducopter 4.0.1 with 2 radars type UART, but each serial port are different type !
The each radar work very well alone, but together have a conflit.
First Radar (have a 3 sectors) to Forward:
Serial2_type = 11 (Lidar360)
RNG_Orient= 0 (Forward)
RNG_type = 11 (uLanding)
apx_type = 3 (TeraRangerTower)
Secund Radar (have 1 sector) to Down:
Serial4_type = 9 (Lidar or RangerFinder)
RNG_Orient= 25 (Down)
RNG_type = 11 (uLanding)
When I try this, the RangerFinder1 show the correct value, but in Proximity window (ctrl+f - funciont Proximity) show only Rangerfinder radar information !
unique protocol that each radar work well is uLanding !
Any ideia how to fixe this ? I think that modify code to fixe serial port of rangerfinder !
Initially I think have error in uLanding Rangerfinder code, when uLanding is call, first command is find UART, but see my parameter, first radar is Serial2 type 9 (Rangerfinder) and Serial4 is type 11 (Lidar360). If Serial are different type, Serial4 isn’t a rangerfinder, than, RangerFinder_uLanding could use only Serial port of type Rangerfinder, only Serial2 would be find. Avoidance no define sources, than, all sensor that need to be a FinderFinder,
Conclusion, can’t be a 2 ou more Rangefinder that use same type, in my case, type uLanding.
How to distinct what Serial will be correct in uLanding Code, if two diferent type radar use same type rangerfinder ?