I dont know but every quadcopter I built all have same problem RC3 is lowest than all 4.Can somebody analyze the logs.
log_46_2022-1-29-13-16-56.bin (1012.0 KB)
log_45_2022-1-29-13-14-28.bin (592.9 KB)
Because RC3 is throttle and its neutral position is 1000. Other channels’ (roll, pitch, yaw) neutral positions are 1500.
Why do you think it is problem?
You need to follow the tuning process instructions.
Your vehicle is poorly tuned or not tuned at all.
Especially roll PID is really bad than pitch axes.
It gives roll to the one side more than other.
Does your vehicle in balance at the CoG?
Actually I had set of 4 bldc motor with blheli_32 esc then I replaced it with another set of bldc motor with normal esc since then the problem is seeing before that it was flying very good.
Normal ESCs need calibrations. BLHeli’s normally doesn’t need that (just set the range to 1000, 2000).
Ok.But I want to say that previously I have set 4 set of bldc motor with blheli_32 esc and it was working perfectly fine.But when I replaced it with another 4 set of bldc motor with another Opto esc this problem has rise again I change the esc with normal esc again same problem I don’t know what’s wrong.
I don’t understand the problem you are having.
I made a custom quadcopter frame and used matek H743 and 4 set of emax 980kvmotor with 4 set of Emax 45 amp blheli_32 esc and it was flying perfectly fine I flied it almost 1 month .
Then I decided to made another quadcopter using Tarot frame so I shifted that 4 motor and that 4 set of esc to that tarot frame.
For that previously frame wherei used Matek H743 I replaced another 4 set of Emax 980kv motor and 4 set of Arris Opto esc .From the day I have changed the motor and esc it seems to have more rolls on RC1 and RC2 which are on anticlickwise direction. They are rolling quadcopter continuously,motor order is perfectly fine and the propeller direction of all 4 motors.
except that RC1 and Rc2 are I thinking after disarming they stop after 1 0r 2 sec when other 2 motor are stopped.may be they are running more faster so I again changed another normal esc again the same rolling problem that same RC1 and RC2 are I think having more speed than Rc3 and Rc4.
My problem is why that so.
You are using the wrong terminology hence the confusion. “RCx” is an RC input. You seem to be talking about outputs. Make another flight and post a link to the log (just 1) where this behavior is exhibited.
I solved the issue I think it was esc calibration.
I changed the esc and the esc was blheli_32 and it is flying.
I am asking does Ardupilot support 120KV BLDC motor 48.4V Lipo with 32 inches propeller.