Arducopter manual landing gear retract (no RC)

I have my landing gear set up as per normal using function 29 for both an RC switch and for Mission Planner servo output. It works fine with the rc switch and with the auto retract and deploy at altitude. I want to be able to retract and deploy the LG when putting it in the case and taking it out when I don’t have the RC. I figured out that I can use the GCS joystick to put it into Land mode when I first connect the battery and the gear will deploy but I can’t figure out how to get the gear to retract when it is on the ground. The servo outputs in Mission Planner seem to be locked out when the servo is assigned to the landing gear function. I thought I could assign a do servo output pwm level on a joystick button but that doesn’t work either. Any workarounds? I can find zero information on this. I’m using a Pixhawk 4 Mini FC.