Arducopter-3-2-released question

I recently received an email from 3dr that is below. My question is this firmware newer than what was on my iris plus when it was new (ArduCopter-v2-AC32-Iris.px4)? Also when I click the link I don’t actually find the firmware for download. Also I have seen issue 1 as highlighted in red and that’s what peaked my interest.

Below is from 3dr this morning.

After extensive testing, we are pleased to announce that there is new software for your IRIS/IRIS+. Along with some great feature enhancements, there are a few key software fixes and safety enhancements that make it vital to upgrade. Here are 2 key fixes:

[color=#BF0000] 1- Prearm check for gyro calibration - eliminates error caused by moving the vehicle immediately after plugging in the battery. On earlier versions of code, any movement of the vehicle during gyro calibration caused erroneous offsets which led to erratic flying behavior.
2 - Prearm check for internal sensors - eliminates sensor error caused by plugging the battery in a warm area and then taking the vehicle outside. This is very important for people in cold weather who power up the vehicle inside the house and then take it outside to fly.

You can find out more information at … 2-released

Here is a video tutorial on how to upgrade your code: … UXc6J5vtkA

This upgrade is highly recommended and you are encouraged to upgrade at your earliest convenience.
Happy flying!
3DR team

Yes, AC3.2 is newer than AC3.2-IRIS and it includes one important safety improvement to do with gyro calibration. It checks that the gyro calibration succeeds and if it doesn’t it refuses to arm. This is important because we’ve seen a number of flyaways with IRISs and they’re often caused by the gyro calibration going bad because (we think) the pilot’s are closing the battery door while the red and blue lights are flashing (which is when it’s doing the gyro calibration).
So, highly recommended that AC3.2-IRIS firmware is upgrade to AC3.2.
Hope this helps.

Ok that’s what I thought, now the important question. Where do I get it.

You can upgrade the firmware using Mission Planner (windows) or APM Planner (OS X, Linux, Windows). You posted a link to a video explaining the process: … UXc6J5vtkA

Follow that and the firmware should be updated to the latest which now is AC 3.2

Thanks jmachuca but I’m looking for the actual .px4 file. I have ArduCopter-v2-AC32-Iris.px4 and I would like to download 3.2 to have it.

You can get all the released and beta firmwares from

The latest stable release (3.2) for IRIS (quad):

Just select the ArduCopter-v2.px4 file for Pixhawk.