ArduBoat using fully outdated 10 years old APM 2.8

My boat have two motors and when I connect APM 2.8, the Ch.2/TH no work, only Ch.1/ST work, and when I connect ESCs directly to Receiver - all work good! MP Rover installed and updated and work good and with connected Ardupilot all is working good: telemetry, compass, GPS and all Aux channels. If somebody help me to find the reason, I will be much appreciated!

Hello @Capt.Igor welcome to the community,

To use that outdated hardware you need to use a mission planner version from the year 2015.

I have Mission Planner 1.3.81 and after updating build 1.3.8741.25556!
I think this is new, you mean need to use older version?

Ср, 7 авг. 2024 г. в 19:35, Amilcar Lucas via ArduPilot Discourse <>:

What version is better to use, if you know?

Ср, 7 авг. 2024 г. в 20:10, Capt. Igor <>:

An older version from the year 2015.

Search thes section of the forum. It contains all the existing information and knowhow available for APM2.8. There is no better information siurce

Ok, I will try to use the older version!