[approved] LD06 LIDAR for testing

Topic: LD06 LIDAR

Proposal type: Hardware [X ] , Software , Other : _________________

Description: LD06 Lidar to test PR AP_Proximity: prevent buffer overflow in LD06 driver by peterbarker · Pull Request #27059 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub (funding request per discussion in DevCall)

Planned amount $$ (USD):84

Estimated time for completion:


you can get them for a lot less, I got a pair for £10 each, they have went up to 20 since then. I have just converted it to mavlink using a rp2040

I very much support this funding request because this will allow us to test and merge this PR and resolve an outstanding watchdog level issue discovered during Rover-4.5 testing (search for “LD06” in the consolidated 4.5 issues list).