I recently got an APM 2.6 to replace my KK2 board on my rcexplorer tricopter I built. I followed all of the instructions to set it up but the copter will not arm. I have read and reread the instructions for copters not arming but mine is not showing the double blinking red light consistent with a pre-arm check failing and rather has the constant blinking light indicating it is ready to arm. Any advice to what the problem is would be great.
Any warning in the Mission Planner?
Into what port is your rudder channel going into?
Try arming the wrong way… ie down-left for 4 secs? If it arms you will have to reverse rudder by setting RC4_REV to -1
Have you tried arming while connected to mission planner to see if that shows any errors?
I’ve tried arming the other direction and nothing happened. I have checked on the radio calibration page that all of the radio inputs are being registered correctly. I have tried arming while plugged into Mission planner but I am slightly confused if I am supposed to have the battery plugged in while the usb is plugged in because I thought I read somewhere that you were not supposed to do that.
What is your telemetry system saying? Is there any beep or buzz from the board indicating an arming failure? Or is it not even trying?
Copter does absolutely nothing. It just sits there and keeps blinking the red light constantly instead of the double blink for a prearm check fail. I have plugged copter in using usb and it says nothing in mission planner when I try to arm.
Have you tried redoing the rc calibration?
Did you by any chance change your RC transmitter’s yaw endpoints to keep your yaw servo mechanism from hitting a hard stop and binding? I did exactly that once. It took me days to figure out that the tricopter wouldn’t arm unless the yaw PWM range had a low end value less than 1300 and a high end value greater than 1700. The damn thing just sat there and refused to arm without any obvious reason.
I’d suggest using MP to observe your PWM values while moving the yaw stick to its limits. The Failsafe screen and radio calibration screens both show the actual PWM values your APM is seeing from the RC transmitter.
from my experience if its not arming is because the GPS is not plugged in
is your GPS & Compas plugged in ?
if not plug it in and you will see it will arm …
I did the radio calibration again for the third time and this time the copter decided to arm. Must have somehow not been registering that I was trying to arm.