Antenna tracker point to specific locations

I haven’t used antenna tracking before so I’m hoping someone can tell me if this specific use case is possible. I want to build an antenna tracker to point at specific locations, rather than at a moving drone. Basically the tracker will be used to point a directional 3G antenna at cell tower locations when I move from one static location to another. I know where each cell tower is that will provide me the best reception, so rather than manually aiming it when I stop at each place I’m hoping the antenna tracker can just be made to point at the tower.

I welcome your thoughts!



not possible current, sorry

You could open a feature request on github.

bugger, thanks. I think it might be simpler with a Rpi and a compass module though.



There’s an issue here on the issues list that covers this request. It’s not horribly difficult to do but you know… so many things already on the plate…

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all good - I think I can achieve most of what I need with a simple antenna rotator run off an arduino.

I have a similar aspiration.

I would like to construct a 3 axis antenna stabiliser to fit to a boat that will maintain a directional antenna pointing to a communication mast ashore.

I need to work in 3D as I am specifically trying to avoid multipath problems as a result of reflections from the water.

It looks like all the primitives I need exist but if anyone has had experience of driving gimbals, etc including the physical construction I would love to hear from you!

you can do this with the vehicle codes and a do_set_roi command for a external gimbal.

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Excellent thanks!

I will wade the manual!