The current situation seems to be that as soon as two storage locations are available, direct path addressing is no longer possible.
‘Within a script,’ the file pointer seems to stay in the specific widget folder.
As long as you stay within the same storage location, you can navigate up one level using the classic prefix ‘…/’.
For example, ‘…/…/picture.bmp’ would refer to a bitmap at the root level.
“…/images/picture.bmp” would refer to a file within an images folder under /scripts
sorry for the late reply
tested it today on X20 pro on 1.5.18 works great i could not fine any issues
and i stop getting the Lua warnings as well
thank you Alex
Hi Alex - I am not getting any of the Yaapu audio on my X20S. I seem to remember there was something special I need to do but can’t find it in any of my previous posts. I created a directory called yappu under audio\en on my SD card and made that a voice in Ethos. Then I copied everything in the FrskyTelemetryScript-master\ETHOS\common\SD\scripts\yaaputelemetry\audio directory to that yappu directory. I also left the files as originally structured under the SD scripts directory. Thanks for any help
Ethos 1.5.15
Yappu 1.4.0 (02a3ee0)
It looks like the Ethos rollback bug bit me again. I wiped all of my yaapu directories and sequentially upgraded from master including the 1.5.18 fix. I am now on Ethos 1.5.19 and yaapu 1.4.0 (02a3ee0) with no script errors and audio working.
I updated to Ethos 1.6.0 on my X20S and although the Yaapu script gave the “Yaapu telemetry ready” audio callout, the screen was black, and there is a logging error of utils.lua 285: field ‘popFrame’ is not callable (a nil value). The new Ethos version is not necessary for me right now, so I just rolled back to 1.5.19. I am happy to test a fix on your next cycle.
Got the same issues… popframe not callible persists when I use my ELRS external module, yaapu script does not load right on Ethos 1.6. However, if I use it with my other setup that has MAV2PT frsky relay (using internal module as telemetry source), the yaapu script works just fine. I tried it with the yaapu 1.3… I might need to just roll back to Ethos 1.5.19. What is the proper procedure for rolling back?
Roll back successful, now the yaapu works right in 1.5.19
I am having trouble getting telemetry to a HolyBro Pixhawk 6X. This isn’t my first rodeo. I have two other aircraft with FMUV3 Pixhawks and Yaapu telemetry works just fine. All three aircraft are currently using X8R receivers but I have also used an R8Pro that has worked with Yaapu. With the exception of an ETHOS update to my Tandem X20S (which I rolled back from) I have never had a problem with telemetry.
I have scoured the documentation from HolyBro and also ArduCopter and I am getting conflicting information about about which UART/Telem port to use and how to configure them with Mission planner.
Any advice or assistance will be greatly appreciated.
This issue is a deal breaker for this project. If I can’t get this resolved I will have spent close to $1000.00 for nothing.
I get that but its not working like other FCs. I can take that exact same receiver, bind it to a different radio, (I have tried a Jumper T16/EdgeTx, a FrSky Tandem x20/Ethos and a Tandem x20S/Ethos) connected to an old fmuv3 (AKA 2.4.8) and it works like a charm. So it’s not the radios or the receiver. Supposedly the F7 Pixhawks do not need the old style inverter cables so I am connecting the X8R Sport signal and ground pins to Ground and either the TX or RX pins on 4 different UARTs and I’m getting nothing but a No Telemetry message on the radio. Clearing and detecting sensors does not change the behavior either. Either I am missing something simple or this FC is junk.
There is an Ethos Github issue where the ELRS configuration script had the same problem. They fixed it with an updated script. The Yaapu screen reappears if you pause and resume the script, but it does not respond to any telemetry when I use it with my external ELRS module. I can see all the lua-based sensors receiving data on the Ethos telemetry page.