Hi! I’m flying 2 electric motors plane (15 kg, 3,5 meters wingspan, pitot tube, cuav v5+). And it flies smoothly perfect in auto mode on arduplane 4.0.9, I have upgraded it to 4.5.4, as I need more lua script. And it started to fly sluggish and eat more energy. How can i fix it to turn it back to the way it flies on 4.0.9 but on 4.5.4?
upper log (amperage) - old firmware, lower - new firmware
There are many factors that influence the power consumption of a fixed-wing airplane in a stable flight. In my opinion, you can’t really get to the bottom of the matter without log files of both flights.
It’s just the same airplane. First flight with 4.0.9, then upgrade to 4.5.4. Second flight - much worse behavior. Maybe there is something I can pay attention to in full parameters list?
The parameter list is contained in the log files (*.bin) and on its own does not really help in comparing what is different between the flights and cannot explain the different power consumption - whatever the reason may be.
In my opinion, the different average power consumption is due to the completely different course of the flight routes.
The first time, a circle with a diameter of 1000 meters is flown at 22 m/s using RTL, which requires hardly any bank angle.
Thank a lot for your analysis. It still seems to me the plane flies less effective on new firmware. The amperage is more consistent in the previous one. I’ll try to make a similar fly next time.
Don’t you suggest any recommendation on tuning the plane with new firmware?
It’s funny how log anon completely changes geographical place btw))