Alt change in Alt-hold mode

Thank you, guys. I have one question like below.
Whenever If I want to change altitude in Alt-hold mode, should I change the mode to stabilize/manual?
Now, my pixhawk cube(orange) works when the throttle lever is out of 40~60%, the servo to Motors is moving to MAX or MIN rapidly, and within 40~60%, a flight is hovering.

Thanks for reading question.


No need, however altitude mode treats throttle input differently, which is more intuitive for me, I don’t know if it is for you. Here is what it does:

  • When you set your throttle to minimum in alt hold it goes down, a little faster than landing, but doesn’t fall! I think this speed can be changed through mission planner

  • When you return your stick to middle, it keeps that altitude

  • When your stick is above middle, it goes up, the vertical speed depends on how high the stick is. Same is for down.

I set the first example of stick at minimum just so you know that it doesn’t fall like it would do if you do that in stabilize mode.

Try it out and see which is more useful for you. If you have GPS and Compass on your craft, calibrate your compass, if not done previously, and try PosHold mode, where it holds position as well as altitude, or Loiter, which is useful for filming, as the max speed can be limited in parameters through GCS like Mission Planner.

Here is a link to AltHold docs, check them out: Altitude Hold Mode — Copter documentation (

Also, useful links about modes I explained above:
Loiter Mode — Copter documentation (
PosHold Mode — Copter documentation (

Hope that helps you understand it :slight_smile: if you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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wow… really thanks…
i am on the why to home… i will study your help then put my regards tomorrow…

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Thanks, Yaros

I tried with my pixhawk cube (orange) at the field. It worked well.
Last time when I have a question, I tested it on the table, since that reason, the Barometer in the controller doesn’t detect altitude changing even I push up/down the throttle lever, then the controller might increase/decrease servo output to motors rapidly.


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Interesting… I never have tried it out to run it on the table with althold, but why you want that? I guess if your run it in the table then without props? I guess that the drone would go nearly to max and then after some time get thrust loss error and stay in center throttle, but that’s just my guess!! As I said never tried it, if you want to try it, then do but I don’t understand why you ever want that, just out of curiosity or what?