We are using Aintein’s US-D1 radar with arducopter 4.0.7 on Cube Orange for a while now and never experienced any issue. Today I was testing the radar with Arducopter 4.1 beta-8 on CubeOrange and never got it to work. I used the same parameter settings which worked with 4.0.7 but couldn’t get it to work with 4.1. I am attaching the log file (from boot) for your reference. 4 12-31-1969 7-00-00 PM.bin (568 KB)
This is slightly difficult for me to check because I don’t have one of these radars but some ideas:
It looks like the lidar is connected to telem2 so…
Could you try setting SERIAL2_BAUD = 115? There is a discrepancy between our wiki and the datasheet re what the baud rate should be.
Could you try reverting the software to 4.0.7 and provide a log of it working?
Do you have any other way to independently confirm that the radar is working? Perhaps it comes with a PC or android application to test it is functioning?
Thanks for the pointers. I went ahead and tested the radar with the master branch and it was working with same parameters. I believe it has been already fixed so if we can add it into next beta or stable version that would be great. I can also provide the logs for 4.0.7 and master early next week.
So just to clarify, when you say, “tested with the master branch” you mean “latest” (aka “4.2.0-DEV”) of course?
There are very few changes actually between master/latest and -beta8 so this is quite surprising. I’m sorry but you’re sure that -beta8 is not working but mater/latest is?
EDIT: ok, this PR must be the one that fixes the issue and it does mention fixing the size of the receive buffer for the “ulanding” driver. We will try and include this in the next release.
Yes, I can confirm that the radar wasn’t working with beta8 but was working fine with master(4.2.0-DEV). I will also provide you with logs today if that helps.
Great. Actually it’s fine, I’m 99% sure that I’ve found the fix and it will be included in -beta9 later this week… or maybe it will be called, “-rc1” but in either case if you could test it again once that new beta is out that would be great.