Aileron behaviour in Stabalize mode?

I have setup my plane with ailerons on two channels.
I have set the RC5_Function to 1 and all the settings (min/max/rev/trim).
The ailerons behave the way I would expect in MANUAL mode.
I am just wondering why in stabalize mode the ardupilot is just moving one aileron (on channel 1) automaticaly. The second aileron still work if I move the stick, but it is not reacting on movement of the plane.
Is this a bug or a feature? Does arduplane correct the flight only with one aileron or should the other aileron also move?

If it should move - what did I miss?


this is the copter section :slight_smile:, might get a better response in the arduplane section

Oh you are right - sorry.
I will mark this post as resolved and open a new one in the arduplane section.