Aileron and Rudder Swapped

Hi! I’m new to everything related to autopilots, servos, controls etc, so even though I’m learning a lot I am still confused by many things. I’m running into a bit of an odd situation: the rudder and aileron servos are swapped and I can’t figure out how to fix it. Here’s my setup:

QGroundControl Software
Pixhawk 1 flight controller (2.4.6)
Taranis X9D+ controller with AETR mode 2 as default
Ch1: 2x Aileron servo (split cable)
Ch2: 2x Elevator servo (split cable)
Ch3: Throttle Left servo
Ch4: Rudder servo
Ch5: Throttle Right servo
(long story, but this is the only way I could get the throttle servos to behave)

So here’s what happens: when I move the right stick horizontally, the aileron servos should move (the Taranis channel monitor shows the ‘Ail’ channel tracking this motion), but instead, the rudder servo moves. Additionally, in the Radio page of QGroundControl, Yaw is the slider that moves, indicating that QGroundControl is likely what’s telling the rudder servo to move.

Vice versa for the aileron servos: when I move the left stick, the rudder is supposed to move, but the aileron servos move instead, and QGC shows Roll responding instead of yaw.

What makes this issue even MORE strange to me is that there was still the aileron-rudder mix going on via the KFF_RDDRMIX parameter (set to 0.50). When I moved the left stick, the ailerons responded, but the rudder still had that 50% response. After a firmware update, that is no longer happening; any change to that parameter is met with no response from the servos. I have scoured through so many of the parameters in QGC and have found nothing that might be out of the ordinary. All of the SERVO#_FUNCTION parameters still match the intended AETR layout, and I haven’t found any other parameters that might have to do with the ailerons and rudder.

Sorry if any of this is confusing, let me know if you have any questions/advice! Please help!

[EDIT] NEVERMIND I fixed it. For some reason, RCMAP_YAW was set to channel 1, and RCMAP_ROLL was set to channel 4. Swapping them did the trick!