After updating the FC/ parameters changes?


I have updated my FC from the old 3DR Pixhawk to the new Pixhawk 6c Mini,

Also updated the batteries from 6s to 8s

Of course changed the ESC to 130A HW

I installed the new firmware 4.5.7 and did all the Compass and ACCEL calibration.

Copied the old parameters from the old unit and used it in this one.

I tried to hover it but it almost flipped to the side.

Also the RPM was unknown but was fast…

The Pitch was almost 3/4 and the machine still on ground!

Do I need to reinstall fresh 4.5.7 and never use the old parameters and start from 0.

or is there any parameters that showing wrong in the log?

I appreciate your input.


I just fixed the hover issue, I fixed the Pitch Max and min
I had -6 and -4 at mid and +13 at Max
after changing the values to

-2.7 and Mid at 0 and Max at 12.5 now I was able to hover but its not holding good.

the tail is weak not holding good.

I may have to check the Tail Gain again.

now is it good time to do the auto tune?

Edit: there is message appearing while flying on my telemetry radio it’s said
EMR yaw imbalance
Is this because of the tail servo need re setting the PWM low and high and trim ?

Thank you

The ArduPilot methodic configurator has documentation explaining this exact usecase in it’s “” documentation.

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its talking about it here:

but not sure if changing the servo PWM trim will do the trick.
the heli is not stable.
will see…


Sure was the issue with servo4_TRIM I know there was something off there.

The issue I see today with the batteries;
I have brand new 2X 4s HRB 120C 9500Mah connected as a 8s 9500mah

The Telemetry before the flight showing FC Cell 4.0v but first I hovered the number dropped to 3.56v and start hearing battery low warning! See pic (during the flight)

Landed the Heli after 2 min immediately changed back to 3.79v
And before the flight I measured the internal resistance and all the cells at 1.7oM to 1.9oM
So what your guys think of it?

Also how to measure the Mah to write it in the parameter for the battery monitor bar?
Can’t run the heli and connect the voltmeter because it’s big heli and can’t stand next to it!
Or can I remove the blades and connect the Voltmeter and check it?

Also is it good time to do auto tune?
The bird fly good, tried the Althold and didn’t hold very good…

Thank you