I would like to build a medium/large sized hexacopter with the aim of doing photography.
What are your material recommendations mainly for:
ESC (I would preferentially use Blheli _32 in 6S)
what are the mistakes to avoid?
I thank you in advance for your answers,
Hey Jeanba!
What kind of photography do you want to do? FPV or cinematic (something like DJI Mavic)?
Get a copy of “ecalc multirotor” software for 2 dollars and use it to dimension all propulsion components.
There is a thread on this forum explaining "hardware to avoid ". Search it, read it, and do not ignore it.
After that buy the components.
Download "ArduPilot methodic configurator software " start it and enter your choosen components in the component editor window.
Do IMU temperature compensation procedure. Only after that assemble all components.
Now continue configuration using the configurator GUI
Only use mission planner for step 12.
Not following the procedure above is a mistake that you should avoid.
what do you mean that the imu temperature procedure must be done “after assemble all components” ??
cooling the single autopilot and make the calibration “on the bench” does not works?
i ussually make this calibration before mount the cube on the drone
I said before assembling.
Not after assembling.
Read my post again.
At the moment the idea is to carry a gimbal with a camera for aerial photography.
do FPV flight, why not, but in a second step.
Thanks for your answer.
I didn’t find thé link about the materials to avoid. Could you en post it ?
Enter “hardware to avoid” in the search box here and it’s the 2nd link.
Or: Hardware to avoid
Hello Amilcarlucas,
Where Can i get a copy of “ecalc multirotor” software for 2 dollars ?
Do you have a link to it ?
I just looked at your post.
I don’t know how many hours that represents but your work is really very impressive.
The scope of this procedure also applies to large multicopters like the tarot 960?
Yes, like explained in the very first paragraph, it applies to big and small vehicles