Add led strip to Iris+

Can anyone guide me to add led light strip to Iris+ front and rear arm. When it go up about 100 ft is hard to see is front or back. So I like to add led light to get good vision of front or back when is high.

Any 12 volt LED rope light should work. You can use the 12 volts coming from the red connector on the IRIS.

For example these will work:

You will need to solder ends onto the LED strip.


What if i’m using 5v 4mw lights? Will I need a ubec? I got a receiver controlled switch for it and I’m finding it confusing where the ubec fits in to the setup. I want to use the main battery to power the four lights. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for your reply- I’m using a different type of light 4 actually (diode laser) and they’re 5v 4mw.

On a regular copter the ESC’s have a 5v output on them you could use. In this case will need to solder the UBEC from the main power input that is exposed. You could also hook it into the gimbal power line as well.

To control the lights you can hook it to one of the relay pins that will output 3.3v or 0v based on switch 7 or 8 on the transmitter. Don’t know what type of switch you have.

I have used the Gimbal power and a MOSFET as the switch to control lights on the copter and that works pretty good. You could make some kind of Y JST cable if you using your gimbal at the same time.


Thanks again for your reply Mike! I’m using a Turnigy switch and pixhawk(for 3DR Iris+), I assume it’s basically the same deal but I was just confused about tying the ubec in. the schematic says to plug the bec into receiver power; that was the only confusion i was having. i dont want to overpower anything. Thanks so much.

I don’t know why they want you to plug it into receiver power as I thought the receiver was powered by the UBEC’s. Seems backwards to me. The bec’s takes in unregulated battery voltage and converts it to what you need, 5Volts.


That’s what’s confusing me as well. I’m not very skilled in this department but I’m kind of getting that it has to be on the Pixhawk’s power rail. But it goes into the main out power on the pixhawk so i was not understanding that. This page explained a lot. … egs%29.pdf

I looked at the PDF and it looks good. Just what I would have done.

They are connecting the output 5Volts to the Flight Controller 5Volt rail. This provides power to all the outputs pins so you can use any port to plug in your devices. In there case for the retractable legs.

If you only have one light you could just plug it into your light.
