Accelerometer Calibration


Looking to calibrate my accelerometer correctly on my APM 2.6. I have ahrs_orientation set to YAW-90 due to the mounting options on my quad-x. Following the accelerometer calibration screen on APM Planner 2, Do I obey the ‘forward’ marker on the APM or do I take into the account the orientation change?

Thank you

I’ll let you in on a secret:

It doesn’t matter in the slightest what orientation the copter is in for each of the 6 samples, as long as they’re sufficiently different. The only one that matters is the first one, which sets AHRS_TRIM_X and AHRS_TRIM_Y, and even that one doesn’t really matter if you do an auto-trim flight afterwards.

Otherwise, the algorithm that we use to calibrate the accelerometers fits the samples to a sphere and doesn’t care at all where the samples are taken.