Acc Calibration without MP connection?

(YES, i read the manual and docs and quite a few posts about this topic here and on rcgroups)

Hi !
I realized that the acc calibration is not working precisely due to a simple reason:

When i plug the USB cable for connection to MP the board already is a bit “tilted” due to the pressure the cable applies to the board.
I do realize that it would be no problem with a fixed installed telemetry but i do not have that ATM.
Abd i browsed through the options for Channel 6,7,8 but there was only flight mode setting or tuning available, i did not find a way to trigger ACC Calibration wthout having a connection to MP.

IS there such a way i overlooked ?

If not, please understand this as a feature request.
And reading this about a related problem with compass clibration( it would probably be very cool to add these 2 clibration options to be triggered by Channel 6 if possible.

Meanwhile i try to ignore the problem until my telemetry arrives…



No, there is no way to do any kind of calibration, compass, gyro or accelerometer without telemetry and without USB connection.

If you want to post a feature request, please open a respective ticket in the bugtracker. However, I’m sure that this will not be implemented due to space limitations on the APM and because it’s simply not necessary.
Besides that, there is the practical problem of how to instruct the user to turn the copter to the left, right, upside down, etc. without any console connected.

If your USB cable pushes your APM, you could suspend the USB cable or stick a spirit level to your frame and APM and level them manually while calibrating.

Hi Stefan !
As the problem is only temporary for me i will not ump through the loops to post a bugtracker issue as you are stating it will not be done anyways. Life is to short fir such nonsense.
I was able to source a 30cm micro USB extension that i can leave in the port permanently and that goes to the same cable tie as the servo connections thus ADDING weight / strain but of a permanent sort.



I am in no way a pro, but what i figured works best for me is to do acc calibration w/o the airframe just with apm and a level table.
I do my acc calibration before compass because of that.