My issue is that the autotune completes, in no wind, with very low PIDs on one or both of rate roll and pitch, see the picture below. The rate p gain works OK at about 0.1000, but isn’t perfect, and hence I tried the autotune to dial them in, and for whatever reason they are calculated to be far too low, with rate p now about 0.100 and it isn’t stable at all, luckily it’s a mini quad and shakes off small crashes
I’m using the HK pilot micro (which is based on the APM 2.5) on my mini quad (280mm motor to motor diagonal), with 3S, 2280kv motors, and 6x3 props giving 3.6:1 thrust to weight, and hovering at throttle mid of 400, for reference. I have also checked the vibration, and it is well within the suggested limits.
This is my second attempt with similar results, so either it’s just not great for the mini quads, or I’m missing something. Any ideas? Could it be related to:
Logs attached.
[attachment=0]after autotune.png[/attachment]