RQ-7B Shadow Scratch Build

finished sheeting fuze today

made a start on the nose

been little busy getting the kids off to uni any way did little tonight fitted the nose gear and servo

and fitted the battery tray

and made a vibration mount for the cube and gear

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Finished off the nose

finished of the elevators and the tail

Hi Colin,
How did you manage to get details of the (inverted) v-tail angle and the tail angle of incidence? And how did you pass it onto your build? I usually find it a nightmare with scratch builds.

looking at lot pictures with a ruler and protractor lol

made start on the spars and little carbon to help

done little more on the wings


Did little more on the wings just about ready to cut off the flaps and aileron

cut the wing root on the fuse

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ok time to setup the tail with wing span 102" ( 2.6m ) had move in door to Dining Table


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Hmm bugger had an issue with us hamming nails into the table HeHe :thinking:
o’well moved back out side to the shed finished of in there man it was hot out side 41C thats ( 104F ) :sun_with_face:
anyway all good got it done

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been bit slack too many nice flying days lol
finished covering the wings now its time to fit the servos and strobes

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well crap day out side cold and wet
so i fitted the servos and horns and the strobe

time for bed now just finished tail


Finished off all the covering today ready for Fit-out :grinning:


Got sick of looking at all the grey :grinning:

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