5 direction lidar on Arducopter 4.0.3

I have planned to configure RP A2 lidar (360 degree lidar) and one downwards Tf03 lidar for obstacles avoidance on arducopter.
@rmackay9 will this work lidar combination if yes or no need your guidance to configure.
Thank you

Hi @kalai1219 there is no reason this setup will not work.
However, your downward facing lidar will be of no use in Avoidance… Only terrain following.
Obstacle avoidance can be configured using documentation here:

And your A2 360 lidar can be set up using this guide: https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-rplidar-a2.html

Thank you @rishabsingh3003

Yes I mean that down facing lidar can be USED for terrain following and RP A2 LIDAR 360 for obstacle avoidance sensor as it work simultaneously together its own function. If configured there function.

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Sure, it’ll work out just fine. Just make sure. You set up the PRX_ and AVOID_ parameter correctly as linked in the documentation!
Good luck

Thank you look forward for your contribution if need any.