4.1.0 beta4 > pitch oscillations

Dear fellow pilots.

I would like to ask for help on tuning my first Arduplane build, an 1.60m wingspan sea plane, running AP 4.1.0 beta4.

CG and control surface throw is within the vendor spec and it is flying good and stable in manual and acro.
In FBWA and cruise however, it oscillates on pitch and I could get rid of it.

Althogh the plane is about 2kg AUW and cant do a full loop, its quite sensitive on pitch axis.
I completed about 20 flights for tuning, changing CG, running autotune in different weather conditions or after lowering pitch P-Term manually but it never flew smoothly.
TECS have been tuned after the first successful flights and autotune.

Autotune was done per axis until the message “* completed” popped up + an extra grace time after without stick input.

With higher P, there was less visual oszillation but a lot more servo oscillations or even active Dmod, as stated by the logs.

Comparing PIDFFs between the autotune results showed, that roll PIDFF values came out quite similiar but PTCH_RATE_P ended up between 0.05 and 0.95 across all attempts.

Here is the logfile of my last flight which shows:

  • acro handsfree
  • manual handsfree
  • FWBA
  • cruise
  • some full-stick manual (I wanted observe the rates)

The concerning part is between 3m27s and 4m23s using the following PIDFF:
PTCH_RATE_P 0.06 (after cutting it down by half twice & testing)

other (maybe useful) parameters:
SERVO_RATE 333 (digital servos)
PTCH_RATE_SMAX 150 (default)
AUTOTUNE_LEVEL 6 (default)

I appreciate any input or idea. I cant fly the plane regulary so the more I can test, one by one of course, the better.

Thanks you all in advance,

You seem to know well what you are doing but double check TRIM_PITCH_CD and https://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/common-accelerometer-calibration.html?highlight=trim_pitch_cd

I think it would be worth turning up the AUTOTUNE_LEVEL. I agree that the plane looks very pitch sensitive (I didn’t look at roll), so the controller may benefit from the faster autotune levels. Especially if you’re 100% that the C of G is correct.


Thank you for the inputs.

I validate the ahrs_trim_y and from my point of view its quite good. Maybe 0.5deg off, but not more than that.

Tried autotune_level 7 last time which resulted in lower Pitch P values, but it was quite gusty so I have to retune it on better weather.

Have to add, that I added a second elevator servo and reduced the throw overall too.

I’ll keep this posted once I get another flight.

Hi, I read that you tuned the TECS algorithm successfully. Would you be so kind to post some flight logs in auto mode where the plane holds both altitude and speed? I’m writing an essay on how TECS works and I wanted to make some comparisons between flights pre and post tuning. Thanks in advance!

Hi Gianluca.

I fear, I dont have pre and post logs of that and I honestly dont know if my TECS tune was a real success. I meant, I tuned TECS after a successful maiden :sweat_smile: but I just started with Ardu and would call myself a novice.

Regarding the issue itself, I did a couple more flights and used AUTOTUNE_LEVEL 7 as discussed. While the numbers where almost identical on roll, I got much higher P on pitch.

I also tried to dial in the AHRS_TRIM_Y more but cant get closer to a fluctuating value of -1deg to +1deg while crusing. Any minor change will move that “bandwith” to 0-2deg for example, so I guess the current TRIM is okay.

I still see the elevator servo doing its thing in cruise but the visible oscillations disappeared:

Is there a setting to mitigate the desired-attitude a bit? I wouldnt mind some drift in course or altitude to relax the servo.


You might try turning down the PTCH_RATE_SMAX a bit. That could clear up some of the oscillations.
