I think it’s time to speak out aloud what hopefully others are already thinking: 3DR you need to recall your product IRIS!
Here’s why:
Over the last couple of weeks multiple buyers of IRIS have stumbled over major issues that caused parts of their IRIS to fail, which resulted in crashes and substantial damage.
These issues are: - Screws for mounting the motor to the frame are too short.
I’m not even mentioning issues where your QA department failed and sent out kits with missing screws.
Again, both issues have caused various IRIS quads to crash and get damaged substantially.
Yes, we all will admit that 3DR has been very generous in getting Quads of some of these folks fixed. And 3DR is also providing replacement screws free of charge when support is contacted. But this is not enough!
3DR, you need to reach out to your customers and inform them proactively about the mentioned issues and come up with a plan to ensure that your customer’s device can be returned into a state that it is safe to operate (That’s what a recall is). You can’t expect us to be your beta testers and monitor these forums 24x7, hoping that someone else will hit a catastrophic bug before myself!
In the case of the motor mounting screws you could start by telling customers that they need M3x10 screws and that one needs to use red loctite with it. Once I had that information I was able to go to the local hardware store and get the stuff myself for a few dollars.
By keeping quiet about these issues you’re making things worse! While it’s possible for the majority of us to fix these issues for a few cents or dollars, we are kept in the dark causing major damage to our quads.
Do the right thing and start proactively communicating with your customers. Get started now by telling us what to do with the Power Module failure issue.
Christian, we would prefer that you do not double post. This has been replied to on the DIY site but for the information of people who have not seen it over there.
Re: Screws for mounting the motor to the frame are too short.
On March 15th our motor supplier changed the motor base and now when the set screws for the legs are installed, the motor is pushed away from the base of the arm preventing the screws from fully engaging the motor. Customers have been informed and longer screws have been sent. You can also correct the issue by loosening the set screw on the legs and tightening the motor screws.
Re: Power module failure on ESX board.
As I stated in one of your other posts, out of 3 crashes where the inductor was loose on the board, the logs indicate that in 2 out of the 3 crashes, the component was dislodged as a result of the crash. In the third file there is not enough information to show anything conclusive.
Craig, thanks for the feedback and the information.
That’s why it would be great if folks from 3DR would address issues like the screws for mounting the motor to the frame earlier and more proactively. Your information certainly shines a very different light on the topic as we were under the impression that all Consumer version IRIS were affected by this issue.
With this new information I would probably not have needed to replace the screws on my IRIS.
Again, as I said in many posts before: You guys are doing a great job on the engineering and support side. Let’s make sure this doesn’t get ruined by poor communication.
after measuring the motor and motor mount (aka arm) dimensions on my IRIS - which was manufactured and delivered well before March 15th, I don’t agree with your assertion that only IRIS models manufactured with these new motor version are prone to loosing motor mount screws and thereby also motors in flights (See here for more: viewtopic.php?f=48&t=7507).
From what I can tell the M3x8mm screws along with the choice of only using 2x screws per motor don’t create the high quality product that I would expect from 3DR.
But I’d be more than happy if someone convinces me otherwise.
FWIW, I just got an email from 3DR stating I will be sent NEW LONGER SCREWS for my Motor mounts. This is VERY KIND and VERY PROACTIVE on their part - although it took some coercing from us finding these issues on the forums.
[quote=“IPvFletch”]FWIW, I just got an email from 3DR stating I will be sent NEW LONGER SCREWS for my Motor mounts. This is VERY KIND and VERY PROACTIVE on their part - although it took some coercing from us finding these issues on the forums.
Also remember… USE LOCKTITE!!! [/quote]
AND I would like to thank 3DR for SENDING me those screws. I have received them as promised. Thanks 3DR. They are installed (with the blue locktite they sent along with the screws. Great customer service. Things continue to improve at 3DR. Just give them a chance to help. My experience is that they usually do make things right. YES, they sometimes make errors, but they are very good about fixing them.