hello all,
I have a small problem with my trex700 as i upgraded to 3.5.5.
Problem is i can arm and spin the motor with rsc_mode 1 but when i switch to mode 2 i keep getting motor interlock error. I have checked the forum but cannot get an idea on this.
param file is attached.
any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advancetrex700-30052018.param (13.5 KB)
Forget that - I removed what I posted as did not apply.
In your params you have MODE 1 selected and this is your RC8 settings
Your SETPOINT is 1000 (full throttle) for MODE 2, but I think what’s happening is that your radio is sending a signal that is above the arming point for the ESC in MODE 2 so the ESC doesn’t initialize. Your RC8 calibration MIN value (1071) is not consistent with the MIN value on the rest of the channels, which are all 1059. So rather than resetting anything manually, try a new RC calibration and make sure there are no mixes in the radio left over from using MODE 1. So when you calibrate your on/off switch for Channel 8 it gets the true MIN and MAX values.
Hello Chris,
Thanks for the advice as i sorted the problem because of the receiver is sending the minimum signals flasing 1-2 points up and down so i changed the minimum and trim just above that signal level and now it spins at mode 2 as well.
Should have checed that as well. I assumed something new added and i am missing that
I will apply the new tuning based on the recent documentation and thans again for great effort to mae this documentation.