From WiKi 3.2 external LEDs and buzzer
■A6 : GPS – will flash with no GPS lock, solid with GPS lock
■A7: Arming LED
Can’t seem to get my external LEDs to work they did work in 3.2rc12.
Do I have to set Pin analog or what and where ? I thought settings were removed.
From what I read the pins are active in the firmware. no way to deactivate them. I have an arming/failsafe led plugged in to A4, low voltage buzzer in A5 and GPS LED in A6 and they all work flawlessly for me. I went with A4 because I want my red led to flash when I go into Low Voltage since I can not really hear my alarm unless the craft is fairly close to me
I don’t think anything changed in the LED handling between 3.2rc12 and 3.2-Stable. So I think something must have changed in your setup.
My leds worked on a6 and a7 without any changes from 3.1.5 to 3.2