I am building a hexacopter. I used simonk 30A esc and readytosky 920kv bldc and pixhawk for that. After i completed esc calibration, i have done motor test, 4 motors spin but 2 didn’t. For that 4 motors i used same esc(simonk 30a) but the color is black. For other 2(not spinning) i used same esc but color is red. Is there any difference between them. I checked all escs by directly connecting it to receiver, all are working. What can i do.
Sorry for my bad English and i am a newbie in this drone field.
Make sure you’ve done the RC calibration first, then do the semi-automatic ESC calibration.
Then do the motor test and find the lowest percentage where all motors will reliably start, set that as MOT_SPIN_ARM
. For example 9% in motor test is 0.09
Then add about 3 points to that and set it as MOT_SPIN_MIN
, for example 0.12
Be sure to check the motor order and spin multiple times - this is the most common mistake.