Welcome to ArduPilot.ORG

We are all happy to see you back here. New ArduPilot.ORG will hold all users, support, development talks around this magnificent autopilot system that all our developers love so dearly.

If you are old member of ardupilot.com/forums, please use your old username and request password reset via “I forgot my password”

If you are old drones-discuss member and you don’t find your account here yet, please create one and inform site admins to add you to developer group.

Best regards,
ArduPilot Internet team


Thank you Jani. Is it possible to make this new site accessable through Tapatalk for us frequent mobile users?

This site has native support for mobile devices. There is no need to use Tapatalk.

1 Like

Wow, great improvement over the previous support forum. I love it!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Admin help requests

A post was merged into an existing topic: Admin help requests