Thank's to all of you

i’m 16 (french) and i have a rare illness (very painfull) for 3 years, preventing me from going to the school and from doing what make all the teenagers of my age do (biking, sailing, even see my friends etc…), i’m stuck at home.
To occupy days when I feel not too bad, i decided to realize a dream of 2 years ago: making a quadcopter,
with the time this project has evolved (just like the needed budget).
I started this project alone, from nothing, just with my knowlegdes from hours and hours of forum’s reading and my purse.
Few month later, I find the ardupilot community, full of advices very apreciated and helpfull, she was one of the most active and friendly i’ve ever saw (may be the only).
Now, the construction of my quad is well advanced but really slowed (my purse doesn’t fill from itself :slight_smile:).
So, I got an very old diy plane with the aim to restore it with what I have at home, trying to have no cost.

I want to thank all the community (you) because she help me to pass through very difficults moments and otherwise I would never have made my project a success.
You taught me a lot, i discovered a new world with incredibles people and communities which, without you I would never have known the existence.
I also discovered that we could live of his passion, through his passion.
For all that, I can just tell you
thank you


Thank you for your words Quentin, it is really nice to read we are a friendly community and that we are helping you getting through your days at home.

Feel free to post some pictures of your vehicles, we always like to see what our users are building :slight_smile:

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Here are some photos of my builds,
for the quad, the canopy is a cardboard prototype, I will try to thermoform a plate of polycarbonate to replace it, and I have to cut the motors cables.
The plane is old and is pierced at some places (in particular under the wing) but i got it for free before it goes to the trash can :slight_smile:, thus it satisfies me completly.


Nice, the vehicles of a true DIYer :slight_smile: Keep on going! We are here to help you with any question you might have.

Cool pictures, congrats!
And thanks for sharing your kind thoughts and showing your accomplishments!

Thant Plane should fly beautifully

Hi Quentin,
You’re on the right track here. :smile:
I also learned a lot from these guys over here. :ok_hand:
Keep on doing your wonderfull DIY job.
If I may, I would like to give you one advice.
Doen’t take your plane out to fly without any help from an experianced RC pilot.
Some 50 years ago I was trying to get my plane in the air and it costed me a lot of (wasted) money. I didn’t succeed on my own ultill I found some one for help.
Best wishes from Paul (the Netherlands)

Bonjour Quentin,

I feel the same about this community. I am in Cameroon, and there is absolutely no RC community, club or shop here. All I learned is by myself from the web, and 90% of it from Ardupilot people.
I am a mapper, and now I felt confident enough to create my own drone company.
So keep on the good work.


thank you for your answer, that make me happy
i will try to get in touch with a person which is in a rc plane club,a member of my family know he,
to learn how fly with this plane

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Hello Every Body. I`m Alexis Muñoz from Colombia. I am really beginner in Drone Topics and I want to learn about that. I have done pratices fliyng with a Quadrotor 3DR DIY, whats the meaning of these reference?. Other question is that I have a power source type LiPo 4S, 14.8v, 6000mah and 35C, for my Quadrotor I can use others power sources and its recommend one with more mah or voltage or “C”?